
Delmer claims the rumour was also planted on Admiral Canaris, the head of the Abwehr,

the German military intelligence organisation. 9 It seems the German High Command

were taken-in as experiments were conducted to flameproof their invasion fleet using

sheets of asbestos. When a flameproofed barge, laden with troops, was tested by sailing it

into a burning pool of gasoline, all on board were incinerated. This further added to the

credibility of the rumour and gave additional supporting evidence as more charred bodies

washed ashore.

戴摩宣稱此一謠言亦為德軍軍情局局長海軍上將卡納里斯(Admiral Canaris)所深




Fake one-way trip to England travel ticket air-dropped on German troops.


To give the story further publicity more open forms of propaganda were also utilized.

Baker White mentions that fake German leave passes were parodied offering a one-way

trip to England and dropped over France. He is probably referring to propaganda leaflet

EH.453, Gutschein berechtigt zur einmaligen Fahrt nach Engelland (“Voucher – good for

a single journey to England”). This was produced in the style of a travel ticket. All

German troops were invited to make use of the ticket for a single trip to England and were

promised “a most cordial reception, with music. Fireworks, free swims, steam baths, and

many other entirely novel forms of entertainment are provided. Visitors will find their

welcome so overwhelming that few are expected ever to return home.” It was stamped in

red, “Valid for next Summer!”. The ticket was disseminated by the RAF’s ‘M’ Balloon Unit between 16 to 31 December 1940 with the intended targets being Holland,

Dijon, and the coastlines of North-western France and Belgium.









In a famous BBC broadcast by Sefton Delmer, made before he joined the Government’s

black propaganda department, he mocked the Germans about their chances of launching a

successful invasion. He recounts the broadcast in Black Boomerang: 10



 “We English, as you know, are notoriously bad at languages,” said I, talking my most

impeccable German, “and so it will be best, meine Herren Engellandfahrer, 11 if you learn

a few useful English phrases before visiting us.

“For your first lesson we will take:

“Die Kanalüberfahrt… the Channel crossing, the Chan-nel cros-sing.”

“Now just repeat after me:

“Das Boot sinkt... the boat is sinking, the boat is sin-king;

Das Wasser ist kalt… the water is cold. Sehr kalt… very cold.”

“Now, I will give you a verb that should come in useful. Again please repeat after me:

“Ich brenne… I burn;

“Du brennst… you burn;

“Er brennt… he burns;

“Wir brennen… we burn;

“Ihr brennt… you are burning.”

“Yes, meine Herren, in English, a rather practical language, we use the same word ‘you’

for both the singular and the plural:

“Ihr brennt... you are burning;

“Sie brennen… they burn.”

“And if I may be allowed to suggest a phrase:

Der SS-Sturmführer brennt auch ganz schön… The SS Captain is also burning quite

nicely, the SS Captain is al-so bur-ning quite nice-ly!”






「海水很冷,Sehr kalt是很冷的意思」












This amusing dialogue was later adapted for use as an aerial propaganda leaflet, (EH.473),

titled Wir fahren gegen Engelland, taken from the popular Nazi war song “We Journey

Against England”. The leaflet was subtitled “the little invasion phrasebook” and listed

phrases, translated into French and Dutch, which the German invasion fleet might find

useful. The leaflet also promises an English pocket phrasebook, handed out free of charge

to every German traveller to England on his arrival in an English prison camp. The first

list gives phrases helpful before the invasion, including such demoralizing sentences as:






The sea is big, cold, stormy.

Can you lend me a safety-jacket – a life belt?

What do you charge for swimming lessons?

How many invasion trips do I need to win the Iron Cross 1st Class?





Next useful phrases for the actual invasion are given and include:

We are seasick. Where is the basin?

Is that a bomb, a torpedo, a shell, a mine?

Our ship is capsizing, sinking, burning, exploding!

Our section, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, is drowning!







…and to further the burning sea rumour:

The sea here has such a smell of oil.

Here even the water is burning!

See how beautiful the Captain is burning.

Charles – Willie – Fred – John – Abraham is burnt to ashes – drowned, minced-up by the

ship’s propeller.

We must turn back!

We journey against England!

The leaflet finishes with phrases suitable for after the abortive invasion, ending with:

We journeyed against England.

We want to go home!




看那 艦長被燒的多麼漂亮



我們要回去 我們不去英國啦 我們要回家

Nearly a million copies of the leaflet were dropped by RAF aircraft and balloons across

the French and Belgian coastlines, across Northern Holland, in Paris, the port of Brest,

and in several German cities as well.



Aerial propaganda leaflet EH.473, Wir fahren gegen Engelland,

taken from the popular Nazi war song “We Journey Against England”.


In the end the expected invasion never materialized, the Battle of Britain was fought out

in the skies over Kent and Sussex and not in the English Channel. The Luftwaffe could

not gain air superiority over the RAF’s Fighter Command and resorted to area bombing of

England’s big cities. The Blitz had begun and the morale of the British people was now

the target. Hitler postponed Operation Sealion permanently.





Once the threat of invasion had passed the UPC concentrated more on propaganda rather

than deception rumours. High-level deception operations and rumours would come under

the control of the prosaically named London Controlling Section (LCS). Many of the

UPC’s sibs were directed towards influencing attitudes in the occupied countries. In

France, for instance, their aims were to discredit the Vichy government, to stir up

resistance to Germany, and to increase the impression of Britain’s own strength. As an

example, in November 1940 a rumour was disseminated in France to create hostility

towards the Germans, it claimed that the Germans were about to requisition copper and

rubber including tyres from automobiles. Another was spread saying the Eiffel Tower was

going to be disassembled so that the metal could be used for munitions. In Belgium it was

put about that, “the Germans have a British bomber on Nivelles aerodrome which flies.

They have used it to bomb Brussels in an attempt to cause ill-feeling among the Belgians

against England.”


欺敵活動及造謠則由一個無想像力的組織「倫敦控制小組(London Controlling

Section ,LCS)」來執行。許多地下宣傳組織產出的「喜伯」用來影響被歐洲地區被





製造彈藥。在比利時則是流傳「德國於納維爾航空站(Nivelles Aerodrome)內有一


Another aim was to cause friction between the Axis partners. Italy was constantly

portrayed as weak and militarily inadequate. One rumour targeted for the British press

said, “there is evidence that some of the Italian planes in Greece and Palestine are piloted

by Germans. This is because the Italian raids were so ineffective that the Germans

complained.” Another claimed, “three German transport aircraft carrying troops and

supplies for Africa were shot down by Italian flak near Naples when Italian spotters

reported them as British planes.”






But the main attack of the whispering campaign was the morale of the German Armed

Forces and civilians. The corruption of Nazi bosses, the immorality of the SS, collapse of

the German economy, the spread of disease from the east, poor diet, fear of air raids, the

increasing inferiority of military equipment, the failure of the U-boat war, and the new,

unlimited weaponry of the Allies were themes constantly expressed and exaggerated

through rumour. Some of the rumours were of a technical nature, a few brilliant, others

amusing, some highly pornographic or ghoulish, and many more were “feeble and often

childish”. 12 A number of the rumours were actually true, others contained a lie wrapped

within the truth, and the rest were downright fabrications. Churchill is reputed to have

said, “There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of

them are true”, perhaps he was thinking of the sib war?








Typical directives for the UPC included such things as:

Give widest publicity to all stories emphasising the horror of the winter campaign in

Russia. Themes should be wolves [preying on dead and wounded soldiers], impossibility

of treating wounded, disease, intense cold, and fresh armies training for the spring

offensive in Eastern Russia

Increase in Germany the fear of epidemics spreading from the east. Fleck typhus should

be main theme with some emphasis on trichina and bronchial pneumonia. Germans should

be urged to boil or bake all pork in order to avoid trichina, Breslau should be hinted as the

worst hit centre…

Suggest that the efficiency and morale of the U-boat service is deteriorating rapidly owing

to inexperienced crews, new British depth charge, new American detecting device,

efficiency of Atlantic Patrol, Communist elements among crews…

Foreign workers should not go to Germany because they are transferred to occupied

Poland or blitzed districts, gassed if unfit, sterilized, cheated of their wages, or liable to be

treated as hostages. (For all occupied countries but do not use hostage theme for France).










David Garnett, a former member of the Political Warfare Executive and its official

historian, described the key to a successful rumour.

The really good sib is a poisoned sweetmeat – it is sugarcoated and the deadly dose is not

immediately evident. It will be remembered that early in the war, the Ark Royal was

bombed and a German Air Force pilot was later decorated for sinking the ship which had,

however, only been damaged. Considerably later the Ark Royal was actually sunk. This

placed the German Propaganda Ministry in the dilemma of having to repeat its claim or

ignore a success. A perfect example of the ideal poisoned sweetmeat sib was then put out

by PWE to the effect that both the first and second claims to have sunk the Ark Royal

were true, the explanation being that Britain had broken the Anglo-German Naval

convention by building a duplicate of the Ark Royal before the war. The chocolate offered

to the enemy was that he had won two victories and that all his claims were trustworthy in

spite of appearances. The poison was the reflection that if there were two Ark Royals there

might be two of each of Britain’s other capital ships still afloat.

加納(David Garnett)為前政治作戰局成員及其官方歷史學家,描述一則成功謠言的


性不會很快被發覺。在戰爭早期,英國航空母艦皇家方舟(Ark Royal)被轟炸,而







An example of one of the really bad rumours concocted by the UPC and which was

severely ridiculed by the Air Ministry said that in a Messerschmitt fighter brought down

recently, some of the rivets were found to be made of wood! It seems the UPC had a

preoccupation with wooden planes, suggested in January 1941, another of their rumours


The Germans built a dummy aerodrome in Normandy with wooden planes. Next night the

RAF bombed it – with wooden bombs!15





The sib was not approved for dissemination, since the ISSB considered it liable to

compromise intelligence sources. The joke, however, appeared in print a few months later

in the CBS correspondent, William L. Shirer's book, Berlin Diary: The Journal of a

Foreign Correspondent, 1934-1941. Under the entry for 27 November 1940, Shirer claims

he heard it from a mysterious source referred to only as "X" but this time the location of

the dummy aerodrome was near Amsterdam. It is now impossible to tell whether PWE

supplied this amusing anecdote to Shirer as filler for his book, or if it was Shirer who got

the story in circulation after his return from Germany. Either way since the war it has

become an urban legend in various guises


好笑的是這件事竟出現在美國哥倫比亞廣播公司特派記者席爾(William L. Shirer)

的「柏林日記-1934年至1941年一位外國記者記錄(Berlin Diary: The Journal of a

Foreign Correspondent, 1934-1941)」一書中。在1940年11月27日,席爾聲稱他自




What must be one of the most ridiculous sibs ended up being scathingly criticised by the

Daily Mail journalist Wilson Broadbent, he wrote:

I am told that some of the broadcasts designed to convert Germans to the well-meaning

intentions of Britain must make even a German laugh. Are the Germans being told of

Britain’s determination to fight to the end, or are they being soothed by Socialism sent out

in the name of the Government?

其中有一則非常離譜的謠言,後來被「每日郵報(Daily Mail)」記者布勞班特(Wilson Broadbent)嚴厲地批論,其內容寫道:


One perfect example of propaganda for German consumption on another plane… was to this effect: ‘The British Government have ordered 26 sharks from the Australian Government for immediate delivery in the English Channel, and woe betide any German soldier who tries to cross that stretch of water’. 16

Actually the real sib specified 200 sharks but that is not important. This was not the type of publicity the UPC was hoping for. 17


Ralph Murray, one time member of the Underground Propaganda Committee, and later would become head of the Information Resource Department

墨菲(Ralph Murray)為地下宣傳組織的成員之一,後來為「情報資源部」部長

In January 1941 the UPC comprised of Ralph Murray (later Sir), John Rayner, Leslie Sheridan or his representative, and Sir Hanns Vischer. To bring better organisation for the production of sibs Rayner, a former features editor with the Daily Express, was appointed the rumour rapporteur, or the “Sibster” as he would become known. He was responsible for formulating rumours and obtaining ideas from the regional heads which he then submitted to the Committee for consideration. Once the rumour had been successfully vetted it could then be disseminated.

Initially SIS was the primary disseminator of rumours but because of their lack of available agents operating in occupied Europe they happily passed the responsibility onto Department D/Q of SOE for the duration of the war.

1941年1月,地下宣傳組織成員包括了墨菲(Ralph Murray,後晉為爵士)、雷納(John Rayner)、謝理登及其代理人(Leslie Sheridan)及菲舍爾爵士(Sir Hanns Vischer)

等人。為了產出更佳的謠言,前「每日快遞(Daily Express)」主編雷納被指派為謠言記錄員,也就是大家所熟知的「喜伯使者」。他負責編排謠言並向委員會成員收集各種主意。一但謠言通過審查,即可開始散佈。起初,秘密情報處負責散佈謠言,但由於他們在歐洲被佔領國家的情報員不足,所以後來便樂於將此任務轉由特種作戰部的D/Q部門來執行。

Department D/Q was originally formed as part of Section D before merging into SOE. To this very day their official title is still a state secret and blanked out in official documents but were later known as the “Press Propaganda Department”. Despite the bulk of SOE’s surviving archives being released for public inspection at least half of Department D/Q’s

work remains classified. However what we do know is that they were responsible for distributing clandestine printed propaganda and rumours, “secret journalism” to manipulate the world’s press - partly through their own News Agencies - and had a hand in Britain’s legendary deception operations, amongst other things.



The department was staffed with journalists and was originally headed by Colonel Leslie Sheridan. Prior to the war he was on the staff of the Daily Mirror. The communist spy and former Times correspondent Kim Philby reflects in his autobiography My Silent War that he received a telephone call from Sheridan inviting him for the interview which led to his employment with SOE. 18 Philby apparently taught propaganda at the SOE agent training schools before joining Section V of SIS, possibly explaining why Sheridan was the person recruiting him.

此部門由謝理登上校領軍,並組員以新聞工作者為主。謝理登上校於戰前是於「鏡報(Daily Mirror)」服務。共黨間諜及前時代雜誌特派員費比(Kim Philby),在其自傳性著作「我的沉默戰爭(My Silent War)」一書中提到,謝理登曾來電力邀其加入特種作戰部工作。在加入秘密情報處V部門前,費比明顯地曾由特種情報部訓練宣傳作業,這也許可以解釋謝理登曾吸收他入部。

Sheridan, or “Sherry” to his friends, later moved up the chain of command and his position as head of Department D/Q was taken over by Lionel Hale in July 1942.

Lionel Hale was a dramatist, broadcaster, and journalist. He wrote a number of plays including the comedy Gilt and Gingerbread and was a presenter on BBC radio and later television. He was the first host of the long-running Radio 4 Round Britain Quiz which is currently hosted by his godson. His SOE personnel file recorded that he was, “…altogether a most efficient and attractive man whose sense of fun and humour enhances and is partially responsible for his exceptional capability in many branches of journalism.”

謝理登,其友人稱之謝理,後來晉升為D/Q部門主管,之後於1942年7月由哈爾Lionel Hale)接任。哈爾是一位劇作家、電台主持人及新聞工作者。他編寫了不少戲劇,包括喜劇「糖霜與薑餅(Gilt and Gingerbread)」,由英國國家廣播電台製成廣播劇,後來改編為電視劇。他是帶狀節目「環英問答(Round Britain Quiz)」的第一位主持人,此節目現在由其教子主持。哈爾於特種作戰部記載的個人資料指出,「此人極具效率及個人魅力」


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