When pictures, preferably photographs, are used, the picture and the text must complement each other-convey the same idea to the target audience, each expanding the ideas of the other.
Printed material is the one medium that must be physically delivered to a target audience. This presents problems when attempting to disseminate printed propaganda in enemy held territory. In denied areas, printed propaganda is generally disseminated by air delivery, line-crossers, military patrols, or international mail.
The method of delivery depends upon a variety of factors, such as:
· -Political conditions
· -Military situation
· -Target density and population patterns
· -Number and size of leaflets to be delivered
· -Enemy countermeasures
· -Availability of ordnance and delivery devices
· -Weather
· -Allocation of air sorties for leaflet missions
Paper quality affects the drift of airdropped leaflets. If a leaflet, which offers little or no wind resistance, is dropped from a flying aircraft, it will be blown at about the same speed and direction as the wind. If there are updrafts or down drafts, the leaflet will still follow the general direction of the wind. In areas of no turbulence the constant pull of gravity acting upon the leaflet will cause it to fall at a fairly constant rate. The basic objective of leaflet drops is to place sufficient leaflets on the ground to insure that every member of the target audience will see (not necessarily possess) a leaflet. To insure that members of the target audience chance upon leaflets, their location and activities must be considered. Target mobility has a great bearing on the number and density of leaflets dropped and on the area that must be covered. A basic difference between falling leaflets is the type of motion they assume during descent. This can be one of two forms:
o -an auto rotating motion, or
o -a non auto rotating motion.
An autorotating leaflet is one which exhibits a rotating motion about its longest axis. The other types of fall (flip-flop, spiraling, etc.) can be grouped together for purposes of analysis. In general these have somewhat more rapid and less stable type of descent than the autorotators.
Aerial distribution of leaflets:
Leaflets printed or distributed in areas of high humidity tend to stick together. Ruffling one or both ends of the leaflet stack insures complete dispersion.
· Airdrop by hand (low altitude). Leaflets dropped by hand through aircraft doors, ports, or specially fabricated chutes in areas where low-level delivery is feasible. Leaflets should be dropped in small quantities at very close intervals. This results in an almost continuous release of leaflets evenly distributed downwind and parallel to the flight of the aircraft. Two men can dispense thousands of leaflets per minute using this efficient, inexpensive technique.
· 傳單從飛機機門、左舷或者在低海拔地區傳遞,組裝降落傘以手空投是可行的,傳單應該在密集的間隔少量空投,這樣可以使得不斷飛走的傳單在順風時,得以平均傳散,並與飛機飛行同一方向,只需兩個人即可運用這種高效率且廉價的技術,每分鐘可傳散上千份傳單。
· High altitude free-fall. Leaflets dispensed from aircraft flying at altitudes up to 50,000 feet (15,000 meters). This technique is well suited for leaflet drops directed at large general target areas. It requires long-range planning and preparation to insure prompt reaction to favorable wind conditions. The characteristics of different size leaflets must be known to insure that the proper "mix" of leaflets is used to obtain dissemination throughout the target area.
· 其傳單的分發是從飛機飛行達到五萬英呎(一萬五千公尺)。這種技術非常適合傳單空投導向一般大面積目標地區,需要長程的規劃與準備,以確保有利風向條件,便於迅速反應。不同大小傳單的特色,應該要適當「混合」傳單,用於在整個目標地區傳散。
· Static line technique. At high altitudes the use of leaflet bundles or boxes opened by static line has proven effective. Through use of rollers on the deck of the aircraft, boxes weighing up to 50 kilograms (110 pounds) can be ejected with minimum exertion. The box is rolled out of the aircraft, and as the container comes to the end of the static line, the sides of the box split. In effect, it is turned inside out and the leaflets fall away followed by the empty box.
· 在高海拔處,以靜電線形技術使用整捆或整箱打開的傳單,已經證明相當有效率。藉由使用飛機甲板的滾軸,重量達五十公斤(一百一十磅)的箱子可以最小的力量彈出,箱子滾出飛機,當容器到達靜電線形末端,箱面會滑落,實際上,箱子是由內而外翻出來,而傳單會隨著空箱子掉出去。
· Balloon Operations, useful for penetrating denied areas, can be conducted up to a range of 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles). Balloons are made of paper, rubber, or polyethylene. Flight patterns are determined by the weather, wind, air currents, and gas pressure. Although the maximum payload is 9 kilograms (about 20 pounds), balloons are an inexpensive means of disseminating leaflets.
· 對滲透到禁入區非常有用,可以作業達到二千四百公里(一千五百英哩)的距離,汽球是用紙、橡膠或聚乙烯做成,飛行方式取決於天候、風向、氣流與氣壓。雖然最大載重量是九公斤(大概二十磅),空飄是廉價的傳單傳散方式。
· Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs) are capable of conducting a variety of combat missions including leaflet delivery, surveillance, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and strike. The remote pilot is able to detect and identify targets, change the course of the RPV, and make decisions to initiate and terminate operations in the target area. Pinpoint accuracy is possible.
RPVs can be flown into enemy territories where the gun and missile antiaircraft defenses are very intense and the losses of manned aircraft might be unacceptable. RPVs can be fitted with modified wing pods providing a large leaflet capacity per mission.
· 遙控導航載具可以飛到具有大砲與飛彈的防空力強大的敵方領土,與不能接受損失載人飛機的條件。遙控導航載具可適用於改裝飛機保護噴射引擎的艙蓋,每次任務提供大量的傳單容量。
· Leaflet Bomb. The M 129E 1 leaflet bomb is an Air Force item, obtained through Air Force ordnance channels. Its empty weight is about 52 kilograms (115 pounds) and when loaded with leaflets, approximately 100 kilograms (225 pounds). It can carry approximately 30,000 13 x 20-centimeter (51/4 x 8-inch), 16-pound, machine-rolled leaflets. Before the leaflets are placed in the bomb, the detonating cord is placed in the seam between the two halves. When the bomb is released, the fuse functions at a predetermined time, detonating the primer cord separating the two body sections, detaching the fins, and releasing the leaflets.
The ground patrol is a useful element for disseminating small amounts of printed material behind enemy lines. Posters, leaflets, pamphlets, kits, and novelties may be placed or scattered by patrols and reconnaissance elements, usually while on regular missions.
Leaflets, posters, and propaganda items can be left behind during retrograde movements.
· Infiltrators, line-crossers, and sympathizers can be used to distribute printed propaganda behind enemy lines. They frequently distribute gray or black propaganda.
· 潛入、滲透人員與我方支持者,可以在敵後方傳散印刷文宣,他們經常傳散的是灰色或黑色宣傳。
· Propaganda may be mailed to selected individuals or organizations through enemy or neutral postal systems.
· 文宣品可以經由敵軍或中立的郵政系統,郵寄給獲挑選的個人或組織。
· In FID (Foreign Internal Defense) situations all agencies of the supported government and civilian public service organizations (to include the religious community) should be used as outlets and distribution points.
· 在外國內部防禦狀況時,所有支援政府機構與民間公共服務組織(包括宗教社區)應該利用做為聯絡或傳散點。
· Seaworthy containers are easy and inexpensive to use as sea floats. Propaganda is placed in a waterproof container and dropped at predetermined locations at sea, in rivers, or streams. However, access to reliable hydrographic data (prevailing winds, tide, and currents) is needed in order to plot projected courses accurately. Containers may be made of wood, bamboo, glass (jars, bottles), plastic, rubber, or similar material. Inexpensive plastic or cellophane envelopes can be profitably used for large-scale float operations. Large-volume dissemination is necessary because a great number of the containers will never reach the designated target audience.