One of the unsung heroes of the black propaganda war was Hale’s deputy Major Colin
Colston Wintle. He was the main link between PWE and SOE, often acted as head of D/Q
and was one of SOE’s representatives on the deception committee. He worked closely
with Delmer’s staff and the German section of SOE to disseminate black propaganda
literature and UPC’s sibs, as well as his deception work.The son of a Bristol GP, Wintle
had a passion for the outdoors life and for British history. After graduating from Clifton
College he eventually found himself working as a hack on a local Bristol newspaper and
then went on to Fleet Street as a correspondent on the Daily Mirror and the News
Chronicle. After the war he went into partnership with Sheridan and set up a London
based Public Relations firm. Sheridan also remained in the psychological warfare business
as a leading member of the Foreign Office’s new secret Information Research Department
(IRD), headed by Sir Ralph Murray. The department acted as a foil to counter Soviet
communist propaganda throughout the Cold War.
溫透少校(Colin Colston Wintle)是被埋沒的欺敵英雄之一,他也是哈爾的副手。他
散佈欺敵文宣及地下宣傳組織產出的謠言,這也是他的工作項目。身為布里斯托 GP
Department D/Q remained a small but highly effective section of SOE, the history of their
spin-doctoring would make compelling, if a little unnerving, reading when, or if, it is ever
fully revealed. They were certainly imaginative in their means of rumour dissemination.
They set-up various whispering networks around the world and carefully selected which
were to be used for any particular rumour. Using all networks at once to spread the same
rumour would obviously be disastrous and would reveal the deception. SOE agents in the
field in both occupied and neutral countries were utilised as well as agents in Britain who
perhaps operated at a port or airport and could talk to passengers and seamen about to
embark for a foreign country.
The ports particularly targeted included Avonmouth, Glasgow, Liverpool, and Fleetwood
and the airports of Poole and Whitchurch. The pilots employed on the Whitchurch to
Lisbon air route were Dutchmen and suspected of communicating with their home
country. Other agents made contact with neutral seamen at their hostels and clubs,
particularly the Norwegian Seamen’s Hostel in London and the Danish Pool in Newcastle.
Communists and others suspected of being in communication with the enemy were
planted with sibs. Indiscrete letters written by people in England to friends abroad were
allowed by special arrangement to pass through the censorship unedited.
Neutral journalists and diplomatic missions in London were fed stories and reports were
introduced into the British and American press. In fact D/Q formed and operated a news
agency in New York which Leslie Sheridan christened Britanova. 19 His first wife, Doris,
a fellow Mirror journalist was employed there for most of the war. 20 There was also a
separate whispering organisation in New York but it ceased operations when America
entered the war and Donovan’s new Office of Strategic Services (OSS) began handling
sibbing in America. British Embassy and Legation staff abroad also had their whisper
officers who received their sib lists, called Venom telegrams, via Foreign Office ciphers.
組織,但在美國加入戰爭後,唐納文的戰略行政部門(Office of Strategic Services,
「毒液電報(Venom telegrams)」。
SOE’s whispering network in Turkey was a typical example of how the machinery for
spreading rumours worked. A Chief Whisperer was appointed who then recruited ten
Sub-whisperers, each of whom was chosen because they had specially good contact with
certain classes of people from politicians and Army officers to waiters and barbers, for
example. Each Sub-whisperer was conscious of the fact that he, or she, was working for
SOE, but although they knew the Chief Whisperer, they did not know the identities of any
of the other Sub-whisperers. Each Sub-whisperer then recruited ten to twenty unconscious
agents to whom they passed on rumours. 21
In Tangiers rumours were spread amongst the small French bourgeoisie and Jewish
trading community there, amongst the lower class of Arabs through story tellers and the
Arab trading class, as well as general dissemination in cafes, bars, dancing halls, and
brothels. SOE were also in contact in Casablanca with a Jew and a French insurance agent
who both regularly travelled to and from Vichy France and would take back rumours for
passing into Occupied France.
The UPC scored another small propaganda victory when it put out a brief rumour that
simply said, “Udet has committed suicide”. Luftwaffe General Ernst Udet was one of
Germany’s greatest First World War fighter pilots; he flew in the same squadron as the
famous Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen and with the future commander of the Third
Reich’s Luftwaffe, Hermann Göring. Udet scored 62 victories, second only to Richthofen
himself, and was awarded the distinguished Pour le Mérite order. Between the wars Udet
had a successful career as an aerobatic stunt pilot travelling the world giving impressive
flying displays dressed up in the costume of a top hat, long beard, and frock coat. He flew
stunts in a number of movies, most notably The White Hell of Pitz Palu. According to the
Udet legend he was very reluctantly persuaded by his old WWI flying comrade Göring to
join the new Luftwaffe and soon became the Chief of Armaments Procurement, a position
he was sorely inappropriate for. As war approached, Udet was instrumental in the
development of the Ju. 87 Stuka dive-bomber.
希霍芬(Manfred von Richthofen)和德國未來空軍司令葛林(Hermann Göring),在
芬之後,並獲頒藍色馬克斯勳章(Pour le Mérite)。兩次世界大戰間,伍登成功地擔
電影中表演特技飛行,其中著名的是「匹茨帕盧的白色地獄(The White Hell of Pitz
將展開時,伍登指導了Ju. 87 Stuka俯衝轟炸機的研發。
The UPC in July 1941 wanted to create the appearance of disharmony and confusion over
direction of the war in the German High Command. The rumour that Udet had taken his
own life was part of this scheme. 23 No doubt assisted by the Britanova news agency the
story appeared in the US press and was front-page news in Britain in both the Daily
Telegraph and Daily Sketch newspapers on 30 July. The Daily Telegraph reported from
their New York correspondent that, “Ernst Udet, General of the Nazi Luftwaffe, and one
of Marshal Goering’s closest associates, has committed suicide while under protective
arrest by Himmler’s Black Guards. He was detained after making vehement protests
against Hitler’s folly in invading Russia.” The newspaper claims the report had been
smuggled out of Germany via Holland by opponents of Hitler’s regime. “The greatest
importance and credence is attached to it by Allied official circles”, the newspaper
Telegraph)」與「每日速寫(Daily Sketch)」則於7月30日在英國以頭版頭條大肆報
To quash this rumour, the next day Göbbels arranged for foreign correspondents to
interview Udet, to prove he was very much alive. Udet joked about his apparent
premature death. Encouraged by the controversy caused, the UPC followed-up with
another rumour which said Udet’s life had been saved at the last minute by the direct
intervention of Göring, but only after the reports of his suicide had been put out. 24
In what must be one of the most extraordinary co-incidents of the war, three months later
it seems Udet really did kill himself. According to eyewitness testimony, Udet
melodramatically shot himself with a Colt revolver whilst talking to his mistress, Inge
Bleyle, on the telephone. Because of the failure of the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain,
controversy over the Russian campaign, the intriguing of fellow officers, and not being
able to cope with his high position, so the story goes, Udet had become increasingly
depressed and drank heavily. On 17 November 1941, this hero of WWI and reluctant
Nazi, had had enough and took his own life. 25
Especially because of the previous rumours of Udet’s suicide, it was impossible for
Göbbels to announce that Udet had killed himself. The official German communiqué
claimed that he had been killed in a flying accident testing a new aircraft, he was to be
given a full state funeral, and Jagdgeschwader 3 squadron would be named in his honour.
On his journey to attend Udet’s funeral the Luftwaffe’s current top fighter ace and newly
appointed General of Fighters, Werner Mölders was killed in a plane crash. The
circumstances of Mölder’s death were also manipulated for psychological warfare
purposes. Sefton Delmer, in what must have been one of his first black leaflet operations
since joining the Political Warfare Executive, concocted a fake letter apparently written by
Mölders, a practising Roman Catholic, to a non-existent Probst Johst of Stettin which
denounced the anti-religious attitudes of the Nazis. The letter was printed on forged pages
of a Luftwaffe signals pad and dropped by aircraft over Germany. The implication was
that Mölders’ pilot comrades had reproduced and distributed the letter, as they believed
his death had not been an accident. The letter circulated quickly in Germany causing some
In June 1943 the UPC also sibbed that Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox, had
committed suicide. 26 If they had put out the rumour a year later they would have been
right again, when Rommel also took his own life.
As the war progressed new opportunities arose for successful covert anti-Nazi propaganda
with the German setbacks in Russia, America’s entry into the war, Rommel’s defeat in
North Africa, the increasing failure of the U-boat blockade, and Italy’s surrender. But as
time went on the Underground Propaganda Committee’s role declined. The UPC was a
pale reflection of the work being done by Delmer’s clandestine radio stations. Delmer was
never a member of the Committee but was on the distribution list for the Committee’s
weekly minutes, to make sure they were not contradicting his own psychological warfare
and to supply extra rumours which could be broadcast via his stations. Radio was far more
effective at circulating rumours than the UPC’s mechanism but the oral rumour had the
advantage of being practically untraceable, so allowing greater latitude for spreading more
contentious and outlandish stories.
The last recorded meeting of the Committee was on 13 April 1945 and included the sib
that, “the gold found by the Allies in the salt mine near Eisenach was not the Reich’s bank
gold (which has already been deposited abroad) but gold looted by the Party bigwigs”. 27
By the end of the war the UPC had concocted almost 8,000 different rumours, not
including those formulated for a short time in New York and others in Cairo. Their work
was always controversial and some of the myths they perpetrated persist to this very day,
which shows they must have been successful to a certain extent.