Operational considerations. The following operational considerations should determine the use of special situation leaflets:
-Serve as a means for timely exploitation of psychological opportunities.
-Serve as a means to communicate more intimately with the target audience and permit the message to be more precisely slanted to the immediate and particular needs of the audience.
· Leaflet production is affected by the physical characteristics of paper, such as shape, texture, quality, size, and weight. Legibility and color reproduction are noticeably affected by paper quality and texture. A high grade of paper is needed for correct color reproduction. Quality also affects durability. Safe conduct passes should always be printed on durable, high quality paper.
· The major factors involved in selection of paper weights and leaflet sizes are:
o Message length.
o Artwork required.
o Delivery system to be used.
o Press capabilities.
o Purpose of the leaflet.
Desirable Leaflet Writer Qualifications:
A single, local national leaflet writer with all the qualifications listed below is rarely obtainable. Yet every effort must be made to obtain a writer with these qualities:
o A good, practical knowledge of the target audience language, including current idioms and slang, to enable him to effectively translate the ideas to be incorporated into the leaflet.
o Recent residence in the target location and familiarity with current happenings in that area (politics, cultural patterns, and even language vernacular often change rapidly and the skillful leaflet writer must be abreast of all these changes).
o Familiarity with the organization of the enemy's forces--leadership, equipment, and arms--should enable him to know the average enemy soldier's emotional and sociological background, including his ambitions, prejudices, likes, and dislikes.
o Familiarity with the civilian population and the political, sociological, economic, and psychological environment within which it functions.
o Experience in one or more of the following fields: advertising copywriter, journalism, political or social sciences, public relations, and any other field allied to persuasive or interpretative writing.
Writing for Maximum Effectiveness:
Because the text of the message is limited by space and other considerations, the writer must persuade the enemy with the reasonableness or emotional content of his message so that the reader will be motivated either to pass it on to others or to relay the message by word of mouth.
Writing Objectively:
Objectivity is the keynote of effective leaflet writing. Although it is difficult to do, the efficient leaflet writer puts aside all personal prejudices and biases when writing for enemy consumption. The leaflet writer depends upon intelligence agencies for information upon which to base his leaflet appeals. This information must not be adapted to fit the writer's own personal views. Rather, it must fit the emotional and thought process of the audience, and be pertinent to the primary interests of its members.
Writing Positively:
Assertion, not negotiation, is the stock in trade of the leaflet writer. The PSYOP writer has, without doubt, the toughest selling job in the world. Every facility at the disposal of the enemy, from domestic propaganda to military strength, is aimed at discrediting or refuting the writer's statements. A negative attitude, therefore, is interpreted by the enemy as a sign of weakness. Only positive appeals can wear down the psychological barrier the enemy has erected against the PSYOP writer. Furthermore, enemy propaganda may be designed to influence the opponent to deny something; and if the propagandist retaliates by categorically denying enemy accusations, he may be supplying data for which the enemy has been probing.
Although leaflets generally are small, they should contain comparatively large print, particularly when directed toward the enemy. However, a small leaflet with large print makes it necessary to use a text that is brief, to the point, and immediately attractive. Since enemy personnel and civilians in areas under enemy control are prohibited from picking up or reading leaflets from external sources, the large print enables them to read the message without touching the leaflet. In case the reader wishes to hide the leaflet and read it surreptitiously at a later time, a small leaflet is more easily concealed. The type must be large enough to be perfectly legible and familiar to the audience. While the heading and subheading may vary in size, body type should be 8 points or larger. If the Roman alphabet is not used in the target area, provision must be made to obtain the proper type reproduction capability. In covert operations, type and paper must be that which is available within, and common to, the target area in order to maintain the facade required in black or gray propaganda operations.
A judicious use of color is important in the appearance of the leaflet. The number of colors available will be limited by the type of printing equipment available. When two or more colors can be used, the following factors should be considered:
o Color in a leaflet should usually contrast sharply with the predominant color of the terrain over which it is to disseminated in order to attract attention. On occasions, however, color in a leaflet may be planned to blend with the terrain in areas where punitive or other sanctions have been imposed to limit the reading (and therefore the impact) of enemy leaflets. Blended colors give an individual greater opportunity to pick up, handle, or retain a leaflet.
o Favorite colors of the enemy target may be used frequently. For example, canary yellow is favored in the Orient, and green in Ireland. Colors included in the national flags of the several countries are usually "safe" colors to use.
o Colors must be appropriate to the culture of the audience so as to signify the idea or emotion the propagandist wishes to convey. Colors may be used to harmonize with the moods of the illustrations or message within the frame of reference of the target audience. In some countries red may be used to suggest violence, blue or green for peaceful scenes, and black or white for death.
o 三、顏色必須要符合群眾文化,才能夠表達宣傳者想要傳達的想法與感情,顏色可以用來調和目標群眾有關的框架內部所列舉事情或訊息的基調。在某些國家,紅色可能是暗示暴力,藍色或綠色是象徵和平的場景,而黑色或白色則代表死亡。
Photographs often are used as documentary proof of particular incidents or events. Pictures of bombed enemy cities showing well-known landmarks are proof to enemy soldiers that their homeland is in fact being subjected to devastating air raids. Pictures of healthy prisoners eating hearty meals tend to reduce the enemy's fears that he will be maltreated if he becomes a prisoner. To insure sharp pictures, only clear photographic plates should be used. Since photographs and illustrations carry a message, they must be arranged and numbered in a culturally logical sequence. For example, in some cultures the sequence of reading is from right to left, in others from top to bottom and right to left. Placing a number in front of the caption which accompanies a photograph or illustration makes it easier for the reader to follow the sequence. Caption all photographs and illustrations. If this is not done, the reader may not understand the point the message is trying to make.
Cartoons and Drawings:
Cartoons and drawings, when done in a manner appealing to the target audience, are invaluable assets in supporting the theme of a leaflet. may attract the eye; they help to present a more attractive format; they tend to leave lasting impressions; they may interpret the message for illiterates who cannot read the accompanying message; and they may be used with a slogan or without printed messages.
Format Symmetry:
Headlines, subheadings, photographs, cartoons, drawings, captions, and text should be so arranged as to present an attractive and symmetrical appearance. Variety in format is important in a leaflet campaign except in the use of surrender or safe conduct passes which are standardized throughout the theater of operations for recognition purposes.
The leaflet heading is normally the most important part of the leaflet because it is the part that first catches the eye. In composing the heading, the propaganda writer must be brief, summarizing the theme by using short, forceful words.
Leaflet subheadings are used when it is impossible to summarize the text in the main heading and further explanation is needed to point out the significance of the message. They may also be used to introduce separate paragraphs in the body of the text and to bridge gaps between headline and text.
To gain the interest of a target audience within the first few words, the first sentence or two of the text should contain the substance of the message, with the facts and details following. Credible and verifiable facts whether favorable or not, are the backbone of the leaflet message because they demand attention. The target audience often risks death or severe punishment for reading leaflets; thus, the information must be of vital importance for the audience to continue to read leaflets. Because of space limitations, the text should be simple and to the point, presenting the message to the target audience without confusing him. The leaflet normally presents only one theme. A leaflet which presents two or more unrelated or vaguely related themes confuses the target audience and detracts from the relative persuasive strength of each theme. If more than one theme is used, they should be closely related.