HaKuNa MaTaTa!
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Also welcome to CrabHao's ruten auctions, the pipes i sell mostly is handmade Moretti pipes of Italy and some others too.
你好,歡迎光臨CrabHao的賣場!出售的煙斗以義大利純手工製的Moretti pipes為主,加諸其他名家;因收藏物件益增,包括煙斗、紫砂壺、新疆和闐軟玉、緬甸硬玉、國寶石玫瑰石、澎湖文石及雕品,將於日後透過拍賣網逐一釋出分享、結緣愛好收藏者,也歡迎各位到我Ruten拍賣網一遊並提供指導。
Pipe is 9.6 inches (15 cm) long and stands 3.3 inches (5.2 cm) tall .The tobacco chamber has a diameter of 0.90 inches (1.9 cm) and a depth of 2.9 inches ( 4 cm). Weight: 11.1 oz (42 g). Stem type: Horn ....... Grade:Emblem Collection δδδδ2