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THIS CHAPTER REVIEWS research concerning the effects that selected mes­sage variations have on persuasion. The message factors discussed are grouped into three broad categories: message structure, message content, and sequential­ request strategies.




Two structural features of persuasive messages have been investigated for Their possible effects on persuasive outcomes. One concerns the order of arguments in the message; the other concerns the nature of the message's Conclusion.




Where should a persuader put the message's most important arguments? One possibility is to save them for last, thereby building to a strong finish; but another possibility is to put the most important arguments first, to be sure they aren't missed. There have been several studies of the relative effectiveness of these two ways of ordering arguments in a message - the climax order (most important arguments last) and the anticlimax order (most important arguments first). In these investigations, the relative importance of different arguments was assessed in pretests (by obtaining ratings of argument importance), and the experimental messages devoted relatively more time or space to the more important arguments than to less important ones.



As it turns out, the choice between these two ways of arranging the argu­ments in a message seems to be of little consequence; varying the order makes very little difference indeed to overall persuasive effectiveness (Gilkinson, Paulson, & Sikkink, 1954; Gulley & BerIo, 1956; Sikkink, 1956; Sponberg, 1946; for a related study, see Cromwell, 1950, Experiment 2). In the one report of a statistically significant difference between the two orders (Gilkinson et a1. 1954, Experiment 2), the climax order was more persuasive; and where nonsig­nificant differences have been found the direction of effect has generally (but not always) favored the climax order, but in every case the observed differences are quite small. Perhaps the most sensible conclusion to draw is that there might, on average, be some extremely small benefit to be obtained from arranging arguments in a climax order, but this benefit is so small as to be negligible.


It will be useful to bear in mind, however, that the particulars of a persuasive circumstance may suggest that one or another way of arranging arguments will be greatly superior. Consider, for example, appellate oral argument in U.S. courts (e.g., the Supreme Court). An attorney will commonly have a specified amount of time (perhaps 20 or 30 minutes) in which to present arguments. However, the judges are free to break in at any time with questions and counterarguments, and experienced attorneys know that they are not likely to be able to make an uninterrupted presentation. As should be plain, an attorney who plans on saving the most important arguments for last may never get the chance to present those arguments. In this' setting, then, an advocate should employ an anticlimax order - placing the most important arguments at the beginning of the presentation - rather than a climax order.

然而,不可忘記的是,說服環境的特殊情況認為,另一種安排論點的方式將會是最好的;例如,在美國最高法庭上的口語辯論,律師通常會有一定的時間(大約2030分鐘)來陳述其論點;然而,法官隨時有可能打斷而提出質疑或不同的看法,因此,一個有經驗的律師明白自己沒有機會不受干擾而自由陳述意見。所以,律師如果打算將最重要的論點保留到最後面,那麼他將很有可能根本沒有機會陳述那些重要的論點;因此,就有人認為「下坡式 (anti-climax)」的陳述順序是較好的方式,也就是一開始就陳述最為重要的論點會比「上坡式 (climax)」較為適宜。


Obviously, persuasive messages have some point-some opinion or belief that the communicator hopes the audience will accept, some recommended course of action that the communicator wishes to have adopted. Should the message explicitly make that point-explicitly state the conclusion or recom­mendation - or should the message leave the point implicit, and let the receivers figure the conclusion out themselves. Intuitively, there look to be good reasons for each alternative. For instance, one might think making the conclusion explicit would be superior, because receivers would then be less likely to misunderstand the point of the message. On the other hand, it might be that if the communicator simply supplies the premise,and the audience reasons its own way to the conclusion, then perhaps the audience will be more persuaded than if the Communicator had presented the desired conclusion (more persuaded, because they reached the conclusion on their own).



There have been a number or investigations of this question, where an explicit conclusion/recommendation is either included in the message or omit­ted from it. The overwhelmingly predominant finding is that messages that include explicit conclusions or recommendations are more persuasive than messages without such elements (Biddle, 1966; Cope & Richardson, 1972; Fine, 1957; Hovland & Mandell, 1952; Leventhal, Watts, & Pagano, 1967; Ttubbs, 1968; Weiss & Steenbock, 1965; see also E. Cooper & Dinerman, 1951; Feingold & Knapp, 1977; Geller, 1975; Irwin & Brockhaus, 1963). In one other investigation, explicit conclusions led to significantly greater comprehension of the communicator's point, but not to significantly greater attitude change (Thistlethwaite, de Haan, & Kamenetzky, 1955), Notably, however, among receivers with equally good comprehension, there were no significant differ­ences in attitude change as a function of the type of conclusion; that is, conclusions deduced independently by the audience were no more persuasive than conclusions explicitly drawn out by the communicator.


There has often been speculation that the apparent advantage of explicit conclusions/recommendations may be moderated by such factors as audience education, intelligence, familiarity with the topic, and topic complexity (e.g., Hovland & Mandell, 1952). For instance, it is sometimes suggested that as the audience becomes more intelligent or better educated, the advantage of explicit conclusions will be smaller (since such audiences will be able to infer the message's point correctly even though the message leaves the conclusion unstated), and indeed may disappear entirely, with implicit conclusions becom­ing the preferred technique (since-the speculation goes-the intelligent, edu­cated audience could be insulted by the communicator drawing the conclusion for them). Despite the plausibility of such suggestions, there is scant evidence in any of these studies to show that such factors actually do influence the persuasive advantage of explicit conclusions.1


It is worth noting that in several extant studies, the audience was compara­tively intelligent and well educated (college students), and even so there was a significant advantage for messages with explicit recommendations or conclu­sions (e.g., Fine, 1957; Hovland & Mandell, 1952). Obviously, these studies don't show that intelligence or education makes no difference to the amount of persuasive advantage enjoyed by explicit conclusions (it might still be true that the advantage of explicit recommendations would be even larger if the audience were not so well educated). But these studies do indicate that even if increases in receiver education and intelligence are associated with a smaller advantage for explicit conclusions, that advantage is nevertheless sufficiently great to recommend the use of explicit conclusions even with an intelligent, well­-educated audience.


What all of this suggests is that persuaders commonly have little to gain (and much to lose) by leaving the message's conclusion implicit. Ordinarily, mes­sages containing explicit statements of the conclusion or desired action will be more effective than messages that omit such statements.



This section reviews research concerning the persuasive effects of certain variations in the contents of messages. LiteralIy dozens of different content variables have received at least some empirical attention, but for the most part this attention consists of an isolated study or two. This review mainly focuses on selected message content factors for which the empirical evidence is some­what more extensive.




How should a persuader handle opposing arguments? In most circum­stances, a persuader will at least be aware of some possible arguments support­ing the opposing point of view. What should a persuader do about these, so far as the persuader's own message is concerned?




One possibility, of course, is simply to ignore the opposing arguments, and not mention them at all. The persuader would offer only constructive (supporting) arguments, that is, arguments supporting the persuader's position. Alternatively, the persuader might (in addition to providing supporting arguments) attempt to refute those opposing arguments - attack them directly, expose their weaknesses and defects, and so on. Substantial research has compared the persuasive effective­ness of these two message types - a "one-sided" message (that simply offers arguments supporting the advocated position) and a "two-sided" message (that, in addition to making supporting arguments, refutes opposing arguments).3 Perhaps not surprisingly, two-sided persuasive messages are, as a rule, more effective than one-sided messages (for a review, see Jackson & Allen, 1987). Persuaders ordinarily gain some advantage if, in addition to providing construc­tive arguments supporting their views, they also attack opposing considerations directly.



There has often been speculation that this advantage of two-sided messages might depend upon other factors; commonly suggested possible factors include the audience's educational level, the audience's familiarity with the issue, and the audience's initial opinion on the topic (whether the audience is initially favorable or unfavorable to the position advocated). In fact, the only one of these that appears to influence the size of the two-sided advantage is the audience's familiarity with the issue. For both familiar and unfamiliar persuasive(P161) topics, two-sided messages are more effective than one-sided messages, but the advantage is greater for familiar issues than for unfamiliar ones (Jackson & Alien, 1987). Thus it appears that persuaders are well advised to employ two-sided messages rather generally (even on issues unfamiliar to the audience)


Researchers have also varied the ways in which the two-sided message is organized There are three basic organizational patterns possible for two-sided messages. The message can first present the supporting arguments, and then undertake the refutation of opposing arguments (support-then-refute); the message can first refute the opposing considerations, and then introduce the supporting arguments (refute-then-support); or the supportive and refutational materials can be interspersed (interwoven) There is some evidence suggesting that the support-then-refute order and the interwoven order are more effective than the refute-then-support order (Jackson & Allen,1987).



Of course, refuting possible objections is likely to enhance persuasion only when the objections that are refuted are objections actually relevant for the audience. A persuader who refutes objections not held by the audience isn't likely to find enhanced effectiveness from the use of a two-sided message. A useful example here is provided by studies of messages aimed at persuading people to make contributions to a particular charitable cause or organization (e.g., the American Cancer Society) There are (at least)two potential obstacles to successful persuasion in this circumstance One is that people don't contribute at all (and hence getting people to give something is a possible aim for the persuader); the other is that people who do give may not give very much (and so getting those who donate to give a larger amount may be the persuader's aim). And these two obstacles can be addressed separately; a persuader could do some things designed to boost the percentage of people donating, and other things to try to boost the average donation per donor.



Several studies have examined the effectiveness of one particular strategy designed to improve charitable solicitation: the ”even a penny helps" (EAPH) technique (Cialdini & Schroeder, 1976). In the typical research design, communicators engage in face-to-face (e.g., door-to-door) solicitation for a particular charitable organization. In the control condition, the standard solicitation is given. In the experimental (EAPH) condition, the communicator simply adds the sentence "Even a penny will help. Obviously, the EAPH technique is aimed at addressing the obstacle of people not donating at all. That is, it is primarily designed to increase the percentage of people who donate, by legitimizing small contributions In a sense, it risks getting a lower average donation per donor in the hopes of boosting the percentage donating so much as to yield an overall gain (in average donation per contact).

許多的研究也檢驗為了改善慈善募款所做的特殊策略的成效如何,就是「積沙成塔」策略,在一份典型的研究設計中,溝通者採用面對面 (例如一戶一戶) 的方式勸募;在控制的情形之下,設定標準的勸募額。實驗組僅用「積沙成塔」一句話;顯然實驗組設定目標在於那些從不捐獻的人,就某種意義而言,使得小額捐款受到認同,而其主要目的在增加捐獻人數的百分比,然同時冒者拉低捐獻金額百分比的危險,以提昇每一單次的勸募行為增加捐款比率的方式來提高整體獲捐金額。

But what if the disinclination to donate isn't a genuine obstacle? That is, what if people are already inclined to make a donation (e.g., the standard request already induces a high percentage of donations)? Obviously, in such a situation the EAPH technique probably won't be helpful - it is addressing an obstacle that isn't relevant -- and might even backfire (by worsening the obstacle that is there, the obstacle of donors not giving very much). It could end up inducing smaller contributions per donor, without substantially increasing the percentage of donors.

但是,難道不願意捐款不是一個障礙嗎?是的,那麼如果對於一些原本就願意捐款的人又如何呢 (標準的徵詢程序會誘導較高的捐款百分比) ?所以在上述的情形,「積沙成塔」的策略可能就無法奏效,反而引起其他的障礙,那就是容易造成反效果(使得捐款金額小的障礙更加嚴重),結果可能使每一筆捐獻金額減少,卻又未能真正提昇捐款人數的比率。

In fact, sometimes the EAPH technique increases solicitation effectiveness (as assessed by average donation per contact), but sometimes it doesn't (indeed, sometimes it decreases effectiveness). Where the standard message is already relatively successful in inducing, people to make donations, the EAPH technique has led to decreased persuasive effectiveness (Mark & Shotland, 1983); by comparison, when the percentage of people donating in the control condition is relatively low, the technique commonly enhances effectiveness (e.g., Reeves,Macolini, & Martin,1987).


  The general point to be noticed is the importance of addressing relevant obstacles to persuasion. The tactic of legitimizing small contributions (EAPH) appears to enhance effectiveness only when persons are initially not inclined to give anything-- that is, only when the tactic addresses a relevant obstacle to persuasion. And similarly for the persuasive advantage of two-sided messages: Such advantage is likely to be obtained only when relevant opposing considerations are refuted.



In many circumstances, persuaders have some opinion change they seek. A persuader might advocate a position only slightly discrepant from (different from) the receiver's point of view, or might advocate a highly discrepant position (or, of course, might advocate some moderately discrepant view). So, for example, if a given audience believes a 5% increase in state taxes is desirable, a persuader seeking a still larger increase might advocate a 7% increase, a 15% increase, or a 30% increase --with these various positions representing views successively more and more discrepant with the audience's initial position.



A number of investigations have examined the question of how such variations in discrepancy -- discrepancy between the receiver's position and the position advocated by the message -- influence persuasive outcomes. In a way, this research question can be seen as a matter of the relationship between the amount of change sought by the message (with greater discrepancy, more change is asked of the audience) and the amount of change obtained by the message (with greater discrepancy ,more change is asked of the audience)and the amount of change obtained by the message.



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