
IMT=info management team;

AIC=army info center媒體中心;

LPPL=無奈; i.e.= That is to say;

OUV=operational utility vehicle;

 LSV= light strike vehicle;

LMTV=light maintaince task vehicle;

 MFU=mobile field unit 1.toilet 2. fridge 3.laundry;

RCP= remains collection point;

singlet吊肩衫; 1 st packet車隊序列; break contact停止間通聯;

Safety comes in cans.; conhub 統部; FSG= forward support group;

GSI= general safety inspectors危安督導;

attire 服裝; solid fuel酒精膏; wheel choke枕木; camp canteen=服務台;

nominal roll for Paoli camp swill collection廚餘收取名單;

PB= performance bonus;

CMR=civil military & relation;

VC=vehicle commander;

RSM=regiment sergeant major(營督長);

PUI= player unit indicator, BFI=battle field instrumentation


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