
From Chicken Soup for the Soul

Mothers’ Maintenance Manual

Many of us take better care of our cars than we do our mothers and yet, we expect our cars to last only 5 or 6 years, but we expect our mothers to last a life-time.

Maybe we need a maintenance manual for mothers so we would know how to take care of them at least as well as we do our automobiles. Here are some items that might be included in such a manual.


A mother's engine is one of the most dependable kinds you can find. She can reach top speed from a prone position to respond to a single cry from a sleeping child. But regular breaks are needed to keep up that peak performance. Mothers need a hot bath and a nap every 100 miles, a baby-sitter and a night out every 1,000 miles, and a live-in baby-sitter with a one week vacation every 10,000 miles.


Mother's batteries should be recharged regularly. Handmade items, notes, unexpected hugs and kisses, and frequent "I love you’s" will do very well for a recharge.


When a mother's carburetor floods, it should be treated immediately with Kleenex and a soft shoulder.


See that she uses her brakes to slow down often and come to a full stop occasionally. (A squeaking sound indicates a need for a rest.)

Mothers run best when their bodies are properly maintained. Regular exercise should be encouraged and provided for as necessary. A change in hairdo or makeup in spring or fall are also helpful. If you notice the chassis begins to sag, immediately start a program of walking, jogging, swimming, or bike riding. These are most effective when done with fathers.

Mothers need regular tune-ups. Compliments are both the cheapest and most effective way to keep mothers purring contentedly.

If these instructions are followed consistently, this fantastic creation and gift from God, that we call MOTHER should last a life-time and give good service and constant love to those who need her most.

Happiness, like most things, comes from mothers.
An amniotic universe is rare.
Paradises aren't found with others,
Perhaps because we must breathe our own air.
Yet even after paradise, we find

Mothers are a bath of warm affection.
Only mothers' love is truly blind
To guarantee all errant souls protection.
However we find love, it can be only
Evanescences of memories
Retained from when we never could be lonely,
Ere we left our mother's outsized knees.
So good it is to have that happiness

Designed to grace each subsequent caress,
All future love and joy to underlie,
earning backwards towards a mother's sigh.

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