
1.The Gateless Gate

2.Sweet Dew of the Dharma



佛法不離世間法,行住坐臥都是禪The Buddhist Dharma cannot be separated from the laws of the mundane world. Walking, standing, sitting and lying down are all about meditation (Zen).

應無所住而生其心One shall not abide anywhere but to develop the enlightenment mind.


The 36 great stone steps of the six sense-organs, the six objects of sense-organs, the six consciousnesses, the six destinies, and the twelve limbs of dependent origination.

六根 – the six sense-organs(the eyes眼、the ears耳、the nose鼻、the tongue舌、the skin身、the reasoning意)

六塵 – the six objects of sense-organs(the form 色、the sound 聲、the smell 香、the taste 味、the touch 觸、the symbols 法)

六識 – the six consciousnesses(consciousnesses of the eyes眼識、consciousnesses of the ears耳識、consciousnesses the nose鼻識、consciousnesses of the tongue舌識、consciousnesses of the skin身識、consciousnesses of the reasoning意識)

六道輪迴 – the six destinies (the hell 地獄道、the hungry ghost 餓鬼道、the animal 畜生道、the asura 修羅道、the human 人間道、the god 天道)

十二因緣 - twelve limbs of dependent origination(無明 ignorance; 行 action-intentions; 識 consciousness; 名色 name and form; 六處 the six-fold sphere of sense contact; 觸 contact; 受 sensation; 愛 craving; 取 grasping; 有 becoming; 生 birth; 老死 old age and death (impermanence) )

36階大台階 – the 36 great stone steps

隨緣 follow situation 

執着 attachments

貪瞋癡 desire,hatred,ignorance

迷 delusions 

放下 let go 

禪 zen /Ch’an 

坐禪 zen meditation 

禪師 zen master 

住持 Abbot 

寺院 temple 

比丘 bhiksu /monk 

比丘尼 bhiksuni/nun 

居士/女居士 layman / laywoman / laypeople

僧伽 Sangha

法師 Venerable (eg. Venerable Master Shen Yen 聖嚴法師) 

袈裟 kasaya 

阿羅漢 Arhant 

菩提達摩 Bodhidharma

觀世音菩薩 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 

釋迦牟尼佛 Sakyamuni Buddha

阿彌陀佛 Amithaba Buddha

淨土宗 Pure Land School 

寧波車/仁波切 Rinpoche 

大手印 Mudra 

陀羅尼(咒) Dharani / Mantra

大悲咒 Great Dharani

《金剛經》Diamond Sutra

《心經》 Heart Sutra

《六祖壇經》 Platform Sutra by Sixth Patriarch 

小乘佛教 Mahayana Buddhism 

大乘佛教Hinayana Buddhism 

密宗 Vajrayana Buddhism/Tibetan Buddhism 

默照禪 silent illumination 

傳法 transmission of Dharma

五戒 Five precepts 

念誦 chanting

懺悔 repentance 

佛法 Dharma 

五蘊 Five Skandhas 

因果 cause and effect 

因果報應 karmic retribution

因緣 cause and condition 

業力/業障 karma/karmic hindrances 

輪迴 reincarnation / Samsara 

戒 Sila / precept 

定 Samadhi / meditation 

般若/慧 Pranja/wisdom 

開悟 enlightenment 

涅槃 Nirvana

劫 (很長的時間) kalpa 

眾生 sentient beings 

煩惱 vexations 

禮拜 prostration 

止觀 samatha & vipassana 

覺 awareness 

雙盤坐 full-lotus posture

慈悲 compassion 

阿賴耶識 Alaya Vijnana

六識 - six consciousness 

六道輪迴 six ways of Samsara

天,阿修羅,人,畜生,餓鬼,地獄 heaven, Asura, People, animals, hungry ghost, hell

六波羅蜜- 布施,持戒,忍

    創作者 crabhao(火雲豪) 的頭像


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