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下午托藏家賴大哥之福,前往三義結緣邱兄鐙鋒及其作品丙戌年手書佛說阿彌陀經40*4.5尺, 合十感恩^^

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crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

書是今早以郵件包裹送到家的,我看完序文後,隨即翻到我比較了解的翡翠(p.81),內容中肯不錯看,書中提及價格部分與市場相符,當然往後就不一定了,端看流行趨勢而定,不過眼光獨到人士會懂得低點買進,因為趨勢輪流轉時,又是一番好光景了!所以建議大家多學、多問、多看、多讀書、多比較、少買,沒有十成把握不要買,因為錢是你的! 對作者建議,對於閃石介紹著墨稍少,雖無需專業各朝代述說,可多增加篇幅介紹予讀者入門,畢竟跟著中國幾千年之久,有一定的地位及民族情感了,更何況孔夫子曾說君子比德於玉,也在說這些閃玉唷!

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Embracing Smart Living: the 2010 IT Month

  • Source:Taipei City Government

The Largest IT Event at Year’s End

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Above, Just one of the stand in the show,There are still many attractive collectibles, include blue amber...Although i waited the open from 09:30 to 10:10, i met one teacher and one senior brother.They are talkative about their collection.Because of the crowded, i left around 14:00, and the show open to 19:30. For one day only!

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What a cold night when i came back to Miaoli city.
This afternoon i went to Daan PO by MRT from Peter's home, i dropped off the train at ZhongxiaoXinsheng station and walked to Xinyi Rd. I gave 6 red balls which i had promised before to senior sister who work at the 2F Customs of Daan PO.Then, i walked to ZhongxiaoFuxing station to visit a friend of collector.But he didn't live there after i called him on the phone.So, i took mrt to Peter's home and picked up my luggage. Went to Taipei bus station by mrt, got on the bus at 17:25 and went home.

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I accepted junior classmates'(Robin) invitation to have an appointment with 4 girls they invited to Taipei.It's a little bit cold that night, so we took hot spring and dinner at Tianmu till 2130.And sunday afternoon, we made a date to sing at Fuxing rd. Xingjudian karaok. I invited Peter to join with us and shared the fee. We had a good time till 1800, then i took the bus and went home to Miaoli.

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

   After studied the stocks market and investment this morning,i went to Taipei with mom by bus at 1150.When i arrived at Taipei and took MRT to my friend's home near Daqiaotou station, then i borrowed their motorcycle and went to sec. floor of DaAn post office.After the check of my parcel from US, the staff wanted me to pay the cigarette and the health tax about 4635 NTD.OMG!This was the first time i had to pay the tax since i bought tobaccos from abroad in these 2 yrs. So, i paid it unwillingly.Next time, i better not to buy them over 4 lbs.
   On the way back to my friend's home, i went to Yufeng of Huayin st. near Taipei station to buy karl erik no.20, alsbo and excellent tobaccos, becauz they were cheaper than Taichung.

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

退休後第三天 - 地圖日記

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


  I've been serviced in the army for 20 yrs.Today is my day of retirement.Because i drank to fast last night with many superior officers(one general, one classmate and 6 colonels)...

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

- 地圖日記 (網址連回本文)

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crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

From Tue. we had war game that morning and we went out to 50~52 ground of north shore for field trainig, transformed our position to 24~29 ground of north shore and to the last position of 4~6 ground of south shore till Fri. morning.We shot many shells in these days.i felt exhausted for the sunshine out of the field.This week was the first time we went to Battalions field training.Next week is the second time.

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

20100805晚接獲告知有high rank長官在meeting公開褒獎我...
憂喜交加的一日 - 地圖日記

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Last Fri.(20100730) we finished the test of artillery companies drill in base training...

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crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Before joining the base training at PuWei camp in ZhangHua county, we took tests everyday in this week.Fortunateky, i passed all but not all of my subordinates and soldiers.Due to the hot and humid weather, i have hot rashes which made me feel uncomfortable.I shared Lishan tea with senior Cai yesterday afternoon when he came to this camp for pep talk of leave to all soliders. We've known each other for 20 years when we both were lieutenants.He is a colonel of director of PW and i am a major of battalion counselor now.It's an unique experience in military career to us. i'll cherish this friendship we have after my retirement in this Nov 2nd.

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's the last time I join the artillery base training at PuWei Camp in ZhangHua.Hope my subordinates and soliders go well everything and be safe till the end and come back to JunDu station.

crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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