
目前分類:Briar pipes (54)

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What Makes a Good Pipe from

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20110810 Moretti Pipe of the 7th Emblem Collection pipe Slug ...... 20110810 Emblem Collection pipe Slug - 地圖日記

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20110810 Moretti Pipe of Fantastic Freehand Plateau Pipe is 6 inches (15.2 cm) long and stands 2.1 inches (5.3 cm) tall .The tobacco chamber has a diameter of 0.78 inches (1.9 cm) and a depth of 1.6 inches ( 4 cm). ...... 20110810 Fantastic Freehand Plateau - 地圖日記

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20110810 Moretti pipe of Fantastic Freehand Poker . ......

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crabhao(火雲豪) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 Pipe is 9.6 inches (15 cm) long and stands 3.3 inches (5.2 cm) tall .The tobacco chamber has a diameter of 0.90 inches (1.9 cm) and a depth of 2.9 inches ( 4 cm). Weight: 11.1 oz (42 g).

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20100708 Moretti 4th Emblem freehand pipe

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